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TDWI Transform 2024

Las Vegas | Feb. 19–23

Data Science Bootcamp

Learn how to unlock powerful business insights through data science.

Geared to both technical and non-technical personnel, TDWI’s Data Science Bootcamp provides a comprehensive overview of every facet of a data science program, providing principles and practices for business stakeholders and data scientists to drive business value from data through machine learning and AI.

Register for the full two-day intensive track or pick and choose the courses you want to take.

Attend all the courses in the bootcamp to earn a digital certificate.

Sessions Include:

Day 1 Tuesday, February 20

Day 2 Wednesday, February 21

Attendees who complete the full two-day bootcamp will receive a certificate of completion.

Register Online

Rest easy—online registrations for this conference are secure. Our secured server environment keeps your information private.

TDWI Las Vegas

Planet Hollywood Las Vegas Resort & Casino Hotel
Las Vegas, NV
February 19–23